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Belén becomes our 5th graduate

Congratulations to Dr. Lerma-Berlanga after his succesful PhD Thesis defense. The jury was formed by Prof. Daniel Maspoch (ICN2), Beatriz Pelaz (CIQUS) and Carl Brozek (USA). Belén has done an amazing job during her stay at the group exploring the chemical complexity of zirconium and titanium porous crystals. All the best for your future endeavors!


Congratulations to Dr. Lerma-Berlanga after his succesful PhD Thesis defense. The jury was formed by Prof. Daniel Maspoch (ICN2), Beatriz Pelaz (CIQUS) and Carl Brozek (USA). Belén has done an amazing job during her stay at the group exploring the chemical complexity of zirconium and titanium porous crystals. All the best for your future endeavors!