After starting a new research line centered in the selective implantation of amines to heterometallic MOFs, Elena leaves us to start a new adventure as a Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Fellow at the group of Joao Rocha in the University of Aveiro-Institute of Materials CICECO. Best luck Elena, we will miss you!
Víctor has received the prize NanoMatMol by the RSEQ to the best thesis in Nanoscience and Molecular Materials in 2019 and the best thesis in Chemistry by the Universidad de Valencia. Well done Víctor!. Check the link for further info.
Congratulations to Dr. Castells-Gil after his excellent remote PhD Thesis defense. The jury was formed by Profs. Serre, Lotsch and Gascón. Javi has done a great job developing new families of titanium-organic frameworks and studied their applications in catalysis. All the best for your new endeavours at the University of Birmingham. Congratulations!
FuniMAT was present at the International Summer School Porous Materials @ Work that took place in the Technical University of Graz. Carlos delivered a keynote lecture on the chemical stability in MOFs and advantages of titanium-organic frameworks in this context. Thanks for the invitation! See here for more info.
Carlos presented our recent results in charge transport, photoactivity and chemical reactivity in metal-organic frameworks at the ICIQ in the seminar programme sponsored by BASF.. Thanks for the invitation Mónica and JR! See here for more info.
Our Funimates Isabel, Jose and Javi attended the EuroMOF2019 conference held in Paris to present and discuss our latest advances in Titanium-Organic frameworks and enzyme encapsulation in MOFs. More info.
Carmen, María, Belén, Javi and Isabel attended the last XVI Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Real Sociedad Española de Química which took place in the Universitat Politècnica of Valencia. They had the opportunity to present their recent results and interact with Spanish young researchers. More info here.
Carlos presented our recent results in photoactivity and chemical reactivity in titanium-organic frameworks at the first symposium Advancing Chemistry in Spain: Early Career ERC Researchers organized by the Universitat de les Illes Balears. See here for more info.
Carlos was invited to the workshop Innoagents organised by the Universitat de Vlència/RedTransfer and sponsored by the Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación to comment on the experience of building-up MatCO to transfer the results of the group to technological companies. See here for more info.
Through personal experience from the first year of her Bachelor´s degree at University of Alcalá until date, Isabel dropped a message of hope for students in their first year, year in which a considerable number of students drop the degree. She discussed different research opportunities during the degree, and advised in PhD search and PhD life.
We are often our biggest limitation