Our work on the synthesis of hydroxamic titanium frameworks has been highlighted as supplementary cover in JACS. Thanks to the creative team of Principia for the excellent result. Hope you will like it!
Our work on MOFs as chiral stationary phases has been highlighted in Chemical & Engineering News. Check it out!
Carlos visited KU Leuven (Prof. Dirk De Vos and Francisco García Cirujano) to present the last results of the team on charge transport and photoactivity in MOFs.
MOF School held in Lake Como (Italy) with an amazing line up of invited speakers and presented her recent work on the nanosizing of titanium frameworks and photoactive Zr(IV) MOFs. They also had time to make new friends!
See here for more info.
Alexei Ganin, Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, visited us to share a few days and present the last advances of his team on using solid state electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution from water. Thanks for visiting!
The funimat team formed by Victor Rubio, Javi Castells, Isabel Abanades, María Romero and Carmen Fernández took part in the dissemination sessions of «Expociencia«. A lot of the young participants and even the older ones were fascinated by taking a little bit of lemon juice, vinegar or detergent with a few drops of red cabbage and seeing it change color. Moreover, the participants brought home a small eppendorf containing red cabbage to keep on playing with the pH at home.
Carlos visited IMDEA NanoScience in Madrid for an invited seminar on charge transport and in metal-organic frameworks and push forward our collaboration with the surface coordination chemistry team led by David Écija.
Funimat was present at the International Symposium on Composites of Metal and Covalent Organic Frameworks held in Granada. Carlos delivered a keynote lecture on Charge Transport in Ultrathin films of Metal-Organic Framewors. For more details see here.
Katherine Mirica (Dartmouth College) visited us and presented the recent advances of her team on conductive metal-organic frameworks to develop advanced sensory platforms. We are hopeful this will initiate a fruitful collaboration between both groups.
Victor has officially become Dr. Rubio-Giménez after defending his PhD Thesis. The jury was formed by Prof. Mirica, Medina and Gándara. Victor will continue his work on conductive and magnetic MOFs until September 2019 when he will join Ameloot´s group at Leuven with a FWO Fellowship. Congratulations!