Rob Ameloot from KU Leuven visited us to lecture on the research of his team on chemical vapor deposition of metal-organic frameworks. We are hopeful this will initiate a fruitful collaboration between both groups.
Carlos visited the UPV/EHU in Bilbao and the Imperial College of London for two invited seminars to present our recent advances in charge transport and photo-activity in metal-organic frameworks.
Funimat was present at the ACS Symposium held in New Orleans and the docMOF symposium held in Germany. Carlos delivered a talk on charge transport in MOF ultrathin films and Javi presented our recent work in Titanium MOFs.
Carlos visited the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona for an invited seminar to present our research on flexible peptide-MOFs for chiral drugs separation and high-pressure structural transformations.
Emilio J. Cocinero leader of the Spectroscopy Group at the UPV/EHU visited us to present their research on how high-resolution spectroscopy in the microwave region can be used to solve problems in modern chemistry.
Elena Lopez Maya, currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Versailles in France, has received a Juan de la Cierva in the category Formación to join FuniMat by the end of the year. Congratulations!
Ross Forgan, URF and Chemistry Reader at the University of Glasgow, visited us to lecture on the research of his team on the development of new applications based on zirconium (IV) metal-organic frameworks. We are hopeful this will initiate a fruitful collaboration between both groups.
Funimat was present at the 2nd European Conference in Metal-Organic Frameworks held in Delft. Carlos delivered a talk on Peptide MOFs for enantioselective separation of chiral drugs and Javi & Natalia presented posters featuring our most recent work.
We have been awarded a 3 years project financed by MINECO that also includes a PhD Scholarship to develop Metal-Organic Frameworks of Biological Inspiration (CTQ2017-83486-P).
Natalia and Belen have recently been awarded a Juan de La Cierva Formación Fellowship and FPU Scholarship, respectively. These are quite competitive calls funded by the Spanish MINECO that highlight their excellent scientific and academic performance. Congratulations!